Resources for Families

Talking to your young child about the strike:

You know your child best. Below are ideas and language that you can use, but feel free to speak with your child in any way that is open, honest and comforting. Remember that this is an evolving conversation which will continue throughout the duration of the strike. Allow your child to ask questions, and answer them honestly. Don’t be afraid to say, “That’s a great question and I don’t know the answer. What do you think?”
Make sure that your child knows that strikes are effective ways of protesting and getting everyone’s attention, that they are temporary, and that the strike is about grown-ups and is not because of, or about, kids. Remind them that all adults at BFS care about them. This is also a great moment to learn more about the labor movement, strikes, and unions (see below for online resources, books, and films).

Talking points

  • BFS workers want to have a union so that decisions in the school get made in a fair way.

  • The strike is a way of protesting and telling everyone that having a union is very important.

  • Workers at BFS love and care about students and want to see them as soon as their union is safe. Everyone wants the strike to end.

  • Strikes are temporary.

  • Remember other times that were difficult and how you coped.

Ideas for Staying Connected to the Community

  • It is important not to cross the picket line, but many families are working together to plan in-person or virtual meet ups with their pod/class-mates to maintain connections and address childcare needs. Be in touch with other families. You are not in this alone.

  • Come to our picket lines! Our daily picket lines run weekdays from 6:30–9:30 AM. They are family friendly. If your child is sensitive to sound, consider bringing noise cancelling headphones and arrive early so we can point you to a quieter picketing location!

  • Make supportive posters for pickets or to post on social media.

  • Follow social media accounts for updates, activities and events:

Online Resources:


Film and Television:

Lower School and Up:

Middle School and Up:

Upper School and Up: